Tue, 6 March 2007
This week Reverend Brown teaches from the text of John 2:7-11,15-17,. This weeks theme comes from the idea of, how often do we just go along with the world to keep the peace, rather then challenging the injustices and corruption that surround us. Very often as christians we adopt the don't ask don't tell policy. When we see things as long as they don't directly effect us we cast a blind eye even though these issues are against the basic teachings of Christ. While we may in the short term keep the piece in our world over time these issues will cause us pain in our society or personal lives. Thus, Rev Brown this week asks us to evaluate ourselves and ask are we just going along with the status quo to get along? If we are we should look at what we are allowing to pass by and challenge it if it isn't in the way of Jesus Christ. Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a Note at fbcpreacher@fbcpreacher.com or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |