Fri, 27 October 2006
This week Reverend Brown teaches from the text of 2 Samuel 7:8-17. In making the statement "I Think I Need To Do Something Else" Rev. Brown asks us to remember the big picture items when we feel our lives need a change. We always need to be mindful when planning for changes in our lives, are these changes my will or are these changes the will of God. Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a note at or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |
Fri, 20 October 2006
Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a Note at or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |
Thu, 19 October 2006
Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a Note at or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |
Thu, 12 October 2006
This week we have as one of the musical numbers Reverend Jim Harris singing. Many of the First Baptist members fondly remember Reverend Harris from his time spent at First Baptist. We truly appreciated his impromptu singing this Sunday. We were blessed to have Reverend Jesse M. Brown back in the pulpit this week, recovered from his illness. Reverend Brown working with the text Judges 4:4-10,12-16 he asks “Who can you count on?. Can we as Christians be friends that can be counted on? Not to shield and hide or friends from the world but be the type of friends that encourage the people we are with to grow and mature in the world and the lord. Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a Note at or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |
Thu, 5 October 2006
While we were saddened to hear of the illness of Reverend Jesse this week, his sermon was capably filled in by his brother Reverend Alex Brown. While Alex himself wasn’t 100% he gave us a lot to think about with his Sermon entitled “What’s Love Got To Do With It?. Again thanks to Alex this week for filling in, and please pray for All our pastoral staff, with special concideration for Reverend Alex and Reverend Jesse. Our bible reading this week was from Judges 2:16-23 for those following the Sunday school lesson. Our podcast was a little late up this week due to the work and planning for our Praise Dance Recital. If your in the area of First Baptist this Friday evening October 6 at 7:00p or Saturday October 7 at 2:00pm please come and share what is sure to be an uplifting time of praise, dance and worship. Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a note at or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |